Young people can play a major role in supporting the well-being and healthy life-styles of their peers. Youth are not just a common target of prevention – they can act as a primus motor in supporting prevention activities in their schools and communities.
UNODC Youth Initiative was created to support this important role of youth globally, and all youth are welcomed to join! Youth Initiative supports youth active in the field of prevention via providing materials and ideas on what to do, via awarding small grants for organisations in low- and middle-income countries, and via connecting youth globally in social media to inspire and learn from each other. UNODC also strives to empower youth to take more active roles in the national, regional and global discussions on drug use prevention, and organises annually an Youth Forum bringing the most active youth leaders in the field of substance use prevention to Vienna to share experiences, learn, and to present their views and opinions to the decision making body of UNODC.
Also the resource finder contains many resources potentially useful if you are looking to initiate or support prevention in your community as a young person.