Mission Statement
“Our focus is to assist Australian Governments, Communities, Schools, Sporting Clubs, Churches, Welfare groups and Service Clubs to rediscover the proactive and protective options of best practice prevention models in the alcohol and other drug arena. In so doing to present society, and the emerging generation (in particular), with resiliency developing, and viable prevention and demand reduction options, around alcohol and substance use and abuse.”
In fulfilling this Mission we envision the following…
“To shift the community and particularly adolescent, young adult and family attitudes about alcohol and other drugs away from the cultural expectation of participation, to consider the option of ‘not having to’. Through our Education, Advocacy and Resource process we seek to relevantly engage, educate and recalibrate cultural values through ‘Fence building’ processes including curriculum delivery, strategic partnerships and sponsorship of other proactive prevention based and resiliency building community strategies.”
As a pioneering movement in this space, the Dalgarno Institute (Coalition Of Alcohol & Drug Educators) is a long standing Public Interest, not-for-profit organisation, and as such is committed to assisting Educators, Teachers and other Learning Facilitators, to have high quality, relevant and contemporary resources - giving them the opportunity to deliver the most effective resiliency developing, Demand Reduction and harm prevention alcohol and other drug (AOD) education program for their specific audiences.
Our ongoing endeavour is to give the emerging generation the best possible opportunity to maximise their potential and minimise harms - particularly around AOD issues. The Dalgarno Institute seeks to empower, enable and equip proactive education and/or community focused organisations in assisting them to become resiliency investing, Demand Reduction and prevention focused change agents for the families and young people in their sphere of influence.