Here you will find resources and information on accreditation and certification, as well as on prevention workforce competencies, to support workforce development efforts:
Accreditation and Certification
Accreditation is a process that evaluates whether an organization or program meets a set of quality standards in the provision of specific services. Accreditation evaluates whether a certain individual, program or organisation meets specific standards. The accreditation process is normally undertaken by an independent authoritative body and usually involves both self-assessment and peer review of the organization or program. The evaluation results in a work plan that is carried out to ensure that the organization or program is continually striving to meet established quality standards and best practices. For more information on accreditation in the Canadian context CCSA provides useful resources.
Prevention Workforce Competencies
The Competencies for the Youth Substance Use Prevention Workforce is a resource providing a set of measurable skills, knowledge, attitudes and values that support and enhance the delivery of effective youth health promotion and drug use prevention especially in the context of Canada, but it offers useful considerations also for prevention professionals working in other regions. It also identifies principles that should drive effective youth substance use prevention activities and initiatives.