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St Kitts and Nevis National Council on Drug Abuse Prevention

The mission of the St Kitts and Nevis National Council on Drug Abuse Prevention is to formulate, coordinate, monitor and evaluate the implementation of the National Anti-Drug Strategic Plan. The Council is also tasked with providing quality, reliable information, to policy makers, international partners and the general public, about substance use and abuse in St Kitts and Nevis.

NICDTF. North Inner City Drugs Task Force

The North Inner City Drugs Task Force was established in 1997 to develop community responses to the drugs problem in the local area. The NICDTF comprises 20 representatives from the community, voluntary and statutory sectors, who meet monthly to discuss matters relevant to drug use in the community. NICDTF is dedicated to supporting a number of cross-sectoral networks in the local area, aligned under the pillars of the National Drugs Strategy. These networks are:

  • Treatment and Rehabilitation
  • Prevention and Education
  • Supply Control

SAMHSA. The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration

The mission of the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration is to reduce the impact of substance abuse and mental illness on America's communities. SAMHSA strives to achieve these goals through partnerships, policies and programmes that build resilience and facilitate recovery for people with or 'at risk' of mental or substance use disorders. SAMHSA-funded services aim to help individuals pursue recovery, avoid the abuse of drugs or alcohol, and reduce the impact of mental illnesses.

Substance Abuse Advisory Council Secretariat (SAACS)

The Substance Abuse Advisory Council Secretariat (SAACS) is a government agency within the Ministry of Health, Wellness, Family Affairs, National Mobilisation, Human Services and Gender Relations. It is the administrative body of the Government efforts in the anti-drug activity in Saint Lucia, regionally and internationally. The objective of the SAACS is to develop, monitor and coordinate an effective and supportive campaign against the Supply and Demand for illicit

D12LDTF. Dublin 12 Local Drugs Task Force

Dublin 12 Local Drugs Task Force (D12LDTF) website is dedicated to providing an information resource for the local area around drug awareness, drug education, drug prevention, family support, local drugs research, family & community support. Linked in with the local community, the D12LDTF supports projects in Dublin 12 that provide local daycare drug treatment and rehabilitation services to people of all ages. Information on diversionary activities and places to go for young people in Dublin 12 is provided.

AHS. Alberta Health Services: Prevention

The Alberta Health Services (AHS) is dedicated to promoting wellness and providing health care to the people living in Alberta, as well as to many residents of south-western Saskatchewan, south-eastern British Columbia and the Northwest Territories. Prevention Services offered by AHS are directed at individuals, families, schools, communities and workplaces within Alberta and aim to enhance a community’s ability to promote protective factors and reduce risk factors associated with the harmful use of alcohol, drugs, tobacco, and gambling.

St Vincent and the Grenadines Ministry of Health and the Environment

St Vincent and the Grenadines Ministry of Health and the Environment aims to improve the quality of lives of every citizen. The Ministry runs the Early Childhood Health Outreach (ECHO) - programme which was designed to link early childhood development and the health care services for ‘at risk’ children and families. ECHO uses methods of an informal home-visiting programme for children (birth to three years) which support parents in communities with limited access to these services giving them access to early stimulation and parenting education.

DNELDTF. Dublin North East Local Drugs Task force

The key objectives of the Dublin North East Drugs Task Force are:

To promote a greater awareness, understanding and clarity of the dangers of drug misuse in the area. To enable those with drug problems access to treatment and other supports which will allow the individual re-integrate into society. To reduce harm caused by drug misuse to individuals, families and communities. To strengthen existing partnerships in and with communities and build new partnerships to tackle drug misuse. Have available data to examine the extent of drug misuse in the Dublin North East area.

IADA. Israel Anti-Drug Authority

IADA's principal duties are to lead the national war on drugs and alcohol abuse by formulating all national policies related to education, prevention, treatment and rehabilitation, by initiating and developing educational and public awareness materials, by coordinating inter-ministerial and inter-institutional cooperation and activities etc.

Taiwan Food and Drug Administration. Division of Controlled Drugs. Department of Health

The mission of the Division of Controlled Drugs at Food and Drug Administration is to:

  • Promote and implement preventive measures for controlled drugs;
  • Cooperate with the non-governmental organisations, and communities in programmes designed to help the public, parents and children understand the dangers of controlled drugs.

DEVIDA. La Comisión Nacional para el Desarrollo y Vida sin Drogas (The National Commission for the Development and Life without Drugs)

La Comisión Nacional para el Desarrollo y Vida sin Drogas (DEVIDA) is a decentralised public sector organisation dedicated to designing and conducting anti-drug policies in Peru and also to coordinating, promoting and directing anti-drug programmes and projects aimed at promoting healthy lifestyles amongst the country's population.

National Drug Council

The National Drug Council was established under the purview of the Ministry of National Security in May 2000 as the monitoring and coordinating body for the National Anti-drug initiative in Trinidad and Tobago. The Council serves as a coordinating, monitoring and evaluating body for the implementation of the National Drug Master Plan, as well as a conduit for interaction with the international community.

NIDA. National Institute on Drug Abuse

NIDA' mission is comprised of two critical components. The first is the strategic support and conduct of research across a broad range of disciplines. The second is ensuring the rapid and effective dissemination and use of the results of that research to significantly improve prevention and treatment and to inform policy as it relates to drug abuse and addiction.

NIDA Parents & Teachers

NIDA Parents & Teachers offers tips to help prevent children from drug abuse. It also strives to provide the latest science-based information about the health effects and consequences of drug abuse and addiction and resources for talking with kids about the impact of drug use on health.

Department for National Drug Control (DNDC)

The Department for National Drug Control (DNDC) is the focal point within the government for demand reduction initiatives, which include those related to prevention, treatment, rehabilitation, and harm reduction and which concern alcohol, tobacco, and other drugs. The Department's efforts aim to prevent the use of drugs by those not currently using them, reduce the harm for those who use them, and promote effective and innovative treatment and rehabilitation for those affected by substance abuse.
