Central Judicial Commission
1. To do work in fields of Anti Crime, Anti Corruption, Drugs Abuse and Law.
2. To implement different programmes to fight against HIV and AIDS.
3. To spread literacy and education among the poor children, women and other backward segment of the society.
Alejandro Vassilaqui
Registry Questionnaire
Collaboration History
I have had international collaboration in the past but not currently.
I have collaborated with: NGO
I initiated the collaboration
SCODC - South Caucasus Office on Drugs and Crime
South Caucasus Office on Drugs and Crime (SCODC) is a Non-Entrepreneurial (Non-Commercial) Legal Person created in 2010 under the Law of Georgia.
SCODC, as a Non-Profit NGO, is independent from Governments or private interests.
SCODC is registered in the UNODC NGO Database and PADOR.
In April 2017, the Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) adopted the recommendation of the Committee on Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) to grant Special Consultative Status to the South Caucasus Office on Drugs and Crime.
Core Values
Platon Nozadze
Jeff Chishimba
Young Professional Development Society Nepal (YPDSN)
Young Professional Development Society Nepal (YPDSN) is a nonprofit community based organization working towards professional development, youth and women empowerment, education and livelihood promotion. YPDSN aspires to improve the living conditions of the poor and marginalized by adopting strategies through community initiative, participation and sensitization. Founded in 2013, the organization has worked among backward communities in the interior unreached pockets of coastal Kathmandu, identified as one of the most under developed district in Nepal.
African Center for Advocacy and Human Development (ACAHD)
The African Centre for Advocacy and Human Development (ACAHD) is a Nigerian based non governmental organization which has been working on issues of youth developments,democratic principles and ethics, and drug education in Nigeria since 2004. ACAHD has also done work in the field of human trafficking, drug abuse prevention, anti-corrutpion, violence against women, peace education, HIV/AIDS as well as promoting general human development and life skills training. ACAHD has professional associations with use of drug prevention organizations in Nigeria and abroad .
Chris Ugwu
Registry Questionnaire
Collaboration History
I have never had any kind of international collaboration with researchers, practitioners or institutions.
I would like to establish an international collaboration. .Any Research Institute or University outside Nigeria involved in Drug Prevention researches.
I have collaborated with: UNODC for now.
A partner from my country initiated the collaboration.