Addiction Inbox: Six Arguments For the Elimination of Cigarettes →
Here's an interesting summary of key arguments against smoking, from Dirk Hanson at Addiction Inbox
Here's an interesting summary of key arguments against smoking, from Dirk Hanson at Addiction Inbox
This research by NIDA has found that prior marijuana use could increase addictive power of nicotine.
This study finds that previous marijuana use may increase the risk of nicotine dependence in rats.
This NIDA research finds that prior exposure to marijuana increases the addictive effects of nicotine in rats.
This study shows that young Australians do not see addiction as a danger with illegal drugs and are far more concerned with the expense of drugs than getting into trouble with the police for using them.
This study found that addiction may result from abnormal brain circuitry in the area that controls decision making.
Collaboration between Japanese and Canadian researchers has established that addiction may result from abnormal brain circuitry in the area that controls decision making.
This entertaining and wide ranging discussion on the broader topic of genes and addiction includes a live experiment on video followed by discussions with Mark Schuckit, David Carr, Ulrike Heberlein and Nora Volkow.
This article by Professor David Nutt challenges the 'mainstream penalty-driven approach to drugs control' and gives a thought provoking view of substance use in general
19-25 November is Canada's National Addictions Awareness Week 2012.