-Report-on-Sponsorship-of-Sports-by-the-Alcohol-Industry: Ireland →
Irish Parliament considers sport sponsorship by alcohol industry, but fails to proceed very far due to lack of evidence and difficult financial times.
Irish Parliament considers sport sponsorship by alcohol industry, but fails to proceed very far due to lack of evidence and difficult financial times.
This editorial in the Canadian Medical Association Journal worries that drinking rates for adolescent girls have equalled those of boys and warns that this might be a result of the alcohol industry targetting young girls.
In response to industry claims EUCAM makes a strong response, quoting extensive research suggesting that young people are adversely affected by alcohol advertising. (Mentor has also published a very wide range of related articles easily accessible on the Prevention Hub)
This longitudinal study found clear evidence for links between alcohol marketing and problematic under-age drinking
South African health minister Aaron Motsoaledi plans to ban alcohol advertising in public in order to reduce harmful effects alcohol has on the nation.
This report surveys contemporary alcohol marketing (often missed by adults/governments), reviews research covering effects on young people and considers new policy responses.
Regulations in Israel will significantly reduce levels of drinks advertising, July 2012.
This rapid literature review examines issues surrounding regulation in the UK which attempts to push the alcohol industry into reducing the strength of drinks
The list of 'guides' come from the alcohol industry sponsored charity, 'drinkaware'. Topics include how to travel safely to Poland for Euro 2012, parties, sport and holidays
This research shows how easy it is to buy alcohol online without age verification in the USA.