More Evidence That Smoking Raises Breast Cancer Risk →
Cigarette smoking appears to increase the risk of breast cancer, especially when women start smoking early in life, new research indicates.
Cigarette smoking appears to increase the risk of breast cancer, especially when women start smoking early in life, new research indicates.
This study concludes that women who start smoking early in life are at increased risk of breast cancer.
This 'remarkable study' found that early drunkenness, rather than age of first drinking, appeared to be associated with smoking, marijuana use, injuries, fights, and low academic performance among 15-year-olds.
This 'remarkable study' found that early drunkenness, rather than age of first drinking, appeared to be associated with smoking, marijuana use, injuries, fights, and low academic performance among 15-year-olds.
This study asked 842 detainees about their reasons for beginning to use drugs, why they continued to use them, or why they abstained from drugs. The authors believe that prevention should focus more on short-term rather than long-term health consequences.
This longitudinal study found weekly cannabis teenage smokers were twice as likely to develop anxiety disorders than non-users, even allowing for alternative causes such as other substance use and mental health.
Age at onset of cannabis is directly associated with age at onset of psychosis and age at first hospitalization.
This new slant on first use of licit and illicit substances highlights interesting variations in monthly patterns, such as marijuana, alcohol and tobacco showing initiation highest in the US summer months of June and July.
This Australian study suggests that decriminalization affects when
individuals start using cannabis, rather than whether or not they start.
A study of over 6,000 twins found that those who began drinking or using drugs as young teens or who became dependent on alcohol, nicotine or marijuana, were less likely to finish college than those who didn’t use alcohol or drugs until later in life and never became dependent.