Prevention Update: Search Result
This German research examined the stress experienced by school students and the use of 'neuroenhancement' (NE) substances
The World Anti-Doping Agency has called for every Australian school student to be taught about the dangers of performance-enhancing drugs.
This survey investigated American high school students' reasons for misusing prescription drugs. Interestingly 70% of those contacted failed to respond compared with only 28% for a previous alcohol survey
This US report discusses decades of scientific studies examining the connection between adolescent substance use and school failure.
Rx for Understanding is a free, on-line resource created by the NEA Health Information Network that aims to address the problem of youth prescription drug abuse.
This study finds that parental involvement is more important than the school environment when it comes to preventing or limiting alcohol and marijuana use by children.
A new study finds that parental involvement is more important than the school environment in preventing or limiting alcohol and marijuana use by children.
This story suggests that drug testing in some US schools has extended down to young teenagers, with the risk of deterring wider scale participation in health promoting activities.
Problematic drug use among high school students may be more prevalent than has been recognized previously. May 2012
This data-driven study of young US teenagers found a close association between 'support' from their teachers and delayed use of alcohol and other illicit substances. 2012
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