Anti-drug volunteers organize in Beijing |Latest News | →
Students from 20 universities in Beijing have set up volunteer teams to further drug prevention education
Students from 20 universities in Beijing have set up volunteer teams to further drug prevention education
This US longitudinal study examines the relative use of both marijuana and tobacco by 'freshmen', finding support for the gateway effect, and also that students who smoked both substances were more likely to smoke significantly more tobacco than tobacco only users.
This US longitudinal study examines the relative use of both marijuana and tobacco by 'freshmen', finding support for the gateway effect, and also that students who smoked both substances were more likely to smoke significantly more tobacco than tobacco only users.
This research highlights that parents talking with young people before they begin their first year at university may result in dramatic reductions in student drinking.
This research highlights that parents talking with young people before they begin their first year at university may result in dramatic reductions in student drinking.
Illicit drug use is associated with a decreased likelihood of continuous enrolment in college/university even after accounting for background factors; early intervention recommended
Marijuana use and other illicit drug use are both associated with a decreased likelihood of continuous enrolment in college, highlighting the need for early intervention with illicit drug users.
This study found that UK students taking a 'gap year' before starting university were subsequently more likely to use cannabis
This study links first year university smoking with stress disorder and recommends early targeted interventions
This document from Nova Scotia summarises many interesting examples of university attempts to prevent student alcohol abuse, plus detailed references for the subject.