Program delivery
Matthew Scott established TONIC after leading substance misuse policy for Government at the Department for Education - writing sections of the 10 year drug strategy, and heading up development of Youth Alcohol Action Plan, Youth Alcohol Guidance with the Chief Medical Officer. He developed the Drug Use Screening Tool (DUST) and training used across the UK to enable universal agencies to identify young people in need of support with substance misuse issues.
James Koryor
Registry Questionnaire
Collaboration History
I have never had any kind of international collaboration with researchers, practitioners or institutions.
I would like to establish an international collaboration. Transcultural/Transnational aspect of Substance Use
Julie Tieman
Chris Barrett
Yithuba Lami
Rehabilitation of children living/working on the street. Protection of human rights of the child. Education, vocational training and job placement.
Laura McLaren
NHMRC Centre of Research Excellence in Mental Health and Substance Use
Funded in 2012 by the Australian National Health and Medical Research Council, our Centre of Research Excellence (CRE) in Mental Health and Substance Use aims to build much needed research capacity in this area. This CRE represents a world first, bringing together the largest concentration of nationally and internationally recognised comorbidity researchers.
Nicola Newton
Registry Questionnaire
Collaboration History
I currently collaborate with researchers, practitioners or institutions from other countries.
I have collaborated with: Universities
I initiated the collaboration