Program delivery

Sebastián Hernández

Organisation Name: 
Universidad Rafael Landivar.
Job Title: 
Student of political science.
Describe your prevention-related activities: 
Program delivery
Program development
Does your prevention work and efforts focus on a specific setting?: 
Youth Group
Young Guatemalan commited to change his country.

Registry Questionnaire

What is your highest academic degree?: 
Bachelor degree
In what area or discipline?: 
Literature and science.
Prevention Meetings: 
Meeting in the United States embassy of Guatemala, discussing prevention and drugs damage in Guatemalan youth.

Collaboration History

I have collaborated with: Embassy

My school.

KAPETA Foundation

Through variety programs related to HIV-AIDS and drugs problems, KAPETA Foundation seeks to help people struggling with their recovery to be able to return to their social function in society. The limited dissemination of information and education related to drug problems and HIV-AIDS in Indonesia, led to a diversity of understanding and community perspectives on the matter, if not addressed properly it would lead to a stigma and discrimination that would make drug and HIV-AIDS problems become increasingly complicated to be resolved.

KAPETA Foundation

Through variety programs related to HIV-AIDS and drugs problems, KAPETA Foundation seeks to help people struggling with their recovery to be able to return to their social function in society. The limited dissemination of information and education related to drug problems and HIV-AIDS in Indonesia, led to a diversity of understanding and community perspectives on the matter, if not addressed properly it would lead to a stigma and discrimination that would make drug and HIV-AIDS problems become increasingly complicated to be resolved.

Slim Lidén

Organisation Name: 
Job Title: 
founder, ex Secretary-General
Describe your prevention-related activities: 
Program delivery
Program development
Policy making
Other Activities: 
Pedagogical lecturer (1500+ prevention performances)
Does your prevention work and efforts focus on a specific setting?: 
Youth Group
Slim Lidén is a Pedagogical Primary Prevention Practitioner. Lidén was awarded "Preventer of the Year" in Sweden 2013. He founded NGO SMART 1996 and has been its Secretary-General for twenty years. Lidén has two university degrees as a teacher. He also has a background playing music, producing music albums, one with an anti-drug theme, where well-known Swedish artists sang his songs. Lidén has performed >1500 highly appreciated pedagogical presentations on tobacco (+alcohol, narcotics). He has developed “The Contract Concept” - a free, positive method for primary prevention of tobacco, and spread it to communities in ten countries. "Slim Lidén has three legs." He was educated and worked for many years as a teacher of special pedagogical skills. Pedagogics is his first leg. In the 60’s he heard Irish traditional music with its great contact with the audience. His group introduced this to Sweden. Stage experience is his second leg. His third leg is dedication. Dedication against apartheid, terrorism, smoking, drug abuse. Commitment to support all youngsters to a healthy life. 1975 he wrote and sang a song on tobacco, condemning secondhand smoke. 1981 he started creating an album against narcotics. He wrote all the lyrics and produced “Russian Roulette” and teaching materials. Then followed a career as lecturer/performer at schools and parents' meetings; 1500 prevention presentations. Found a prevention method from ice hockey clubs, aiming at tobacco and early drinking. He introduced the Contract Concept in his community 1994. Founded the ‘SMART’ network 1996. >40000 young Swedish members. Organized

Participatory Education and Action for Community Empowerment

Participatory Education and Action for Community Empowerment (PEACE Inc.) is a nonprofit organisation based in Zambia. The organization was founded in 2008 initially as a self Help Youth group but later (2010) transformed into an NGO with the mandate of promoting child & youth development and safeguarding their health and wellness.Therefore the organisation has worked in communities with young people and adults to promote a safe and healthy environment that fosters family and community early interventions on addressing drug and substance abuse.

Ernesto Cortes

Organisation Name: 
Job Title: 
Describe your prevention-related activities: 
Program delivery
Program development
Research / science
Does your prevention work and efforts focus on a specific setting?: 
Youth Group
ACEID is a Non-Government and Non-profit organization that promotes drug policies based on human rights and public health. We produce, exchange, and disseminate information and prevention programs that foster an attitude change and the development of new abilities for people at risk or affected by drug use in Costa Rica and Latin America.

Registry Questionnaire

What is your highest academic degree?: 
In what area or discipline?: 
Mental Health
Prevention Meetings: 
International expert meeting on substance use prevention among children and young people in the education sector. Organized by UNESCO, WHO, UNODC. October 2015. Istanbul, Turkey. Training on prevention with youth at risk. Towards urban management safety and social cohesion policies. Organized by UNO-HABITAT and Catalunya Institute on Public Security. September 2011. Barcelona, Spain.

Collaboration History

I have had international collaboration in the past but not currently.

I have collaborated with: IDPC, Confedrogas, Energy Control

My current institution initiated the collaboration.

Monica Barzanti

Organisation Name: 
San Patrignano Community
Job Title: 
head of the International Relations
Describe your prevention-related activities: 
Program delivery
Program development
Does your prevention work and efforts focus on a specific setting?: 
Youth Group
She graduated in Modern Languages and Literature in 1981, followed by a graduation as a professional educator focusing on the themes of psychology, pedagogy, social anthropology, legal and medical aspects of drug dependence. Since 1979 she has been working at San Patrignano as a volunteer, mentoring girls and young women in their path to recovery from drug addiction. Since 1998 she is in the International Relations Team and has been coordinating and tutoring study visits to the Community by schools, volunteer groups, social workers, policy makers and people working in the addiction field, both Italians and foreigners. Since 2006 she has been a member of the Vienna NGO Committee, representing San Patrignano at various United Nations events on the theme of drugs. She is Board Member of the World Federation Against Drugs and of Europe Action on Drugs, member of the Civil Society Forum, the consultant committee of NGOs to the European Commission in Brussels and active member of many International networks dealing with drug addiction, participating at many International projects as consultant and expert in recovery methods and transfer of expertise.


Organisation Name: 
Aga Khan Rural Support Programme (AKRSP)
Job Title: 
Project Manager (Youth Drug Prevention Initiative)
Describe your prevention-related activities: 
Program delivery
Program development
Research / science
Technical assistance
Policy making
Does your prevention work and efforts focus on a specific setting?: 
Youth Group
All Settings
A development professional having wide experience in youth development, drug prevention, capacity building and development....

Young Professional Development Society Nepal (YPDSN)

Young Professional Development Society Nepal (YPDSN) is a nonprofit community based organization working towards professional development, youth and women empowerment, education and livelihood promotion. YPDSN aspires to improve the living conditions of the poor and marginalized by adopting strategies through community initiative, participation and sensitization. Founded in 2013, the organization has worked among backward communities in the interior unreached pockets of coastal Kathmandu, identified as one of the most under developed district in Nepal.

African Center for Advocacy and Human Development (ACAHD)

The African Centre for Advocacy and Human Development (ACAHD) is a Nigerian based non governmental organization which has been working on issues of youth developments,democratic principles and ethics, and drug education in Nigeria since 2004. ACAHD has also done work in the field of human trafficking, drug abuse prevention, anti-corrutpion, violence against women, peace education, HIV/AIDS as well as promoting general human development and life skills training. ACAHD has professional associations with use of drug prevention organizations in Nigeria and abroad .


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