Curriculum Vitae
Dr.Dodda Peda Kirshnaiah.
HIG-163, Phase-V, KPHB Colony, Hyderabad.
Mobile: + 91 8331860588; E-Mail:
Sustainability Institution Building Partnerships Trainings Livelihoods
Dr.Krishnaiah holds MA. M. Phil and PhD. in International studies from Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi. Over twenty three years of professional experience at the intersection of social policy, with a focus on the nexus between poverty, livelihoods-farm & non-farm, enterprise development, entrepreneurship education, health, sanitation, hygiene education, environmental sustenance, gender, women empowerment and human well-being. I have solid data analysis and writing skills for a wide range of technical and general audiences, as well as providing capacity building, and can readily draw on a wide network of international and national non-governmental organizations, intergovernmental agencies, and government and academic institutions.
I have a proven track record with field-level studies and project management in India and south Asian countries, and international collaborations spanning academic, national government and civil society agencies and the UN system (Unicef, UNDP,UNfccc, ILO). I have supported a number of major international poverty reduction, sustainable livelihoods, gender and women empowerment, PWDs, child rights & child labour, climate change, agriculture & Allied livelihoods, school sanitation and child environment including UN Convention to combat vulnerable communities and Millennium Development Goals (MDGs).
I have strong inter-personal, communication and coordination skills with working ability in English, Hindi and Telugu.
Project Design, Evaluation, and Leadership: I have held several project management positions and have completed numerous independent evaluations assessing global, regional and national level projects. I have supported the design, implementation, and evaluation of Global Environment Facility (GEF) projects on climate change and sustainable livelihoods management. I have provided review of European Commission & World supported projects and initiatives, and assessing national progress against agreed targets. My leadership record includes serving as project manager on numerous initiatives, including for the national clients. Such experience has entailed leading multinational and multi-disciplinary teams responsible for the design and implementation of complex international development programs. I have a working knowledge of most contemporary international project design, management and evaluation tools, including logical/results frameworks, SWOT analyses, environment and social assessments, and project appraisal documents.
Sustainable Livelihoods: I have worked on the linkages between poverty and sustainable livelihoods services and human wellbeing with a number of initiatives. At the field level, I have contributed to implementing sustainable activities for subsistence farmers in rural India seeking options to live in close proximity to elephants, and forest communities in using agriculture produces as a source for both protein and money. At the international level, I have provided strategies and efforts to mainstream livelihoods through linking it to poverty alleviation and human health, developed a global indicator on such linkages, and reviewed case studies of the indirect benefits to communities that have successfully implemented endogenous enterprises for the Initiative.
Facilitation, Training and Capacity Building: I have organized and led a number of seminars and workshops, and have a proven ability to foster the necessary stakeholder participation to develop and implement integrated natural resource conservation programmes, including National level livelihoods Strategies and Action Plans. I have assisted diverse interest groups to successfully fashion mutually acceptable and beneficial outcomes. I am comfortable working in formal and remote settings with local and national government agencies, communities, non-governmental organizations, and private enterprises. I have developed capacity building activities at the International, National and regional levels.
Strategic Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation: Substantial involvement in developing and managing strategies and programs with and for government and non-government agencies, and establishing and implementing complex monitoring and evaluation programs combining formal and informal methods to gather and synthesize qualitative and quantitative data.
Research-Policy Linkages: Research, information and advisory work on the role of research and action-based evidence on policy processes.
Communication and information systems: Research, information and advisory work on a wide range of traditional and ICT approaches to information and communication among communities, projects, researchers and policy makers.
Policy Influence: Substantial involvement in policy development based on practical field experience, with government and non-government organizations, to promote sustainable livelihoods, equitable, pro-poor development and appropriate technology choice.
Information development and delivery: Practical expertise in developing and implementing information strategies incorporating a very wide range of communication media to promote pro-poor institutional reform.
Government Service Reform: Managed the five-year decentralized farm related livelihoods services in India Project aiming to make government and non-government services more participatory and client-oriented.
Private sector
I have provided guidance to private sector and corporate bodies, on the use of climate change and ecosystem service indicators for corporate sustainability reporting. I have facilitated workshops in Indian states and was invited to speak on the subject at INGOs and Government of India-led conferences. And also submitted key presentation papers on internal security of India strategy and grand strategy, Sustainable livelihoods for SC/ST/vulnerable communities future in the country and the role of private sector.
Key skills
• Cultivating resilient partnerships between diverse stakeholders
• Collating, analysing and organising quantitative and qualitative data
• Producing high quality scientific and technical inputs
• Managing workflows, personnel, time and finances consistently
• Communicating complex environmental issues effectively to a range of audiences
Associated skills: Computer literacy Proficient in Microsoft Word, Excel, Access and PowerPoint, and Internet-based research. Facilitating and Training Skills, Organizational and Coordination Skills, Analytical and Report Writing Skills, Communication and Interpersonal Skills, Public Speaking Skills, Program Design/ Planning, Implementation, Monitoring and Evaluation and Policy Development and Application.
Languages: Telugu (Mother Tongue), English (Fluent), Hindi (Good)
Date of Birth: 10-04-2020
• PhD in School of International Studies-SIS: Central Asian Studies-Political Empowerment of Women: A critical study of Indian experiences; Women and Democratic Transition in Central Asia: Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi, 1996.
• M. Phil in School of International Studies-SIS: Central Asian Studies-Post-Mao Development in Tibet (1976-1990), Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi: 1992.
• MA in School of International Studies-SIS, International Politics and Relations: Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi: 1990.
Distance Mode of Education:
• MA: Public Administration, Madras University, Chennai, 1992
• MA: Public Personnel Management, Osmania University, Hyderabad,199
International Exposure:
• Visited China and Tibet on Field study, sponsored by UGC/Common Wealth fellowship;1992
• Visited The Netherlands: Unicef:2002
• Visited Nigeria & Kenya unicef assignment:2004
Certified Training Courses:
• Promotion of Rural Micro Enterprises, CAB, RBI.Pune
• Creating employment and entrepreneurship opportunities for women in India, UNDP, India programs.
• Promotion of Sustainable Rural Livelihoods, World Bank. New Delhi
• HRD & HRM Techniques for institutional development, NIRD. Hyderabad
• Micro Enterprise building for Rural & Urban SHG women, DFID. New Delhi
• Gender Mainstreaming and women empowerment, World Bank. New Delhi
• Promotion of Farmer producer Organizations, Cooperatives, ADS, New Delhi.
• Financial Management and Partnership Assessment Tool, CARE-India. New Delhi
• Developing Income Generating Enterprise (DIGE), Cranfield School of Management, UK. New Delhi
• Safe drinking water, Sanitation, Health and Hygiene education, UNICEF.
• Livelihoods Finance and rural enterprise development: IFMR/MIT, Chennai.
Awards / Fellowships: National Eligibility Test (NET) for Lectureship/ Assistant Professorship (1991): UGC and Junior Research and Senior Research Fellowship (1990-1996): UGC.
Professional Experience
Period Location Organization Position Description/ Specific Achievements
July 2012
• Develop convergence between State, District and local administration.
• Empower communities on government schemes and link the target groups
• Assess enterprise development sectors and best livelihoods projects..
• Advocate on preparing the Annual work Plans and Budgets.
• Held convergence meetings with Corporate bodies-(CSR) initiatives
• Promoting Farmer producer organizations, Producer Cooperatives, supporting women federation both in urban & rural areas.
• Providing technical support and strategic direction in the development and livelihoods component of pastoral program, including value chain. Program design, financial and private sectors engagement and building the program linkage with urban poor, and devising appropriate implementation strategies and processes. Developing project Proposals for agriculture and agriculture related livelihoods, skill development projects and general project proposals.
• Conduct need based research studies in order to strengthening the farmer producer organizations, producer groups, producer cooperatives, SLFS & TLLFS both in rural & urban programs and interrelating between agriculture and alternative livelihoods programs.
• Developing partnerships with corporate sector and implementing CSR activities
July 2003 To
June 2011
Regional Manager
• Manage the assigned WASH project to meet the project objectives within budget and allotted time frame.
• Provide strong leadership and implement an appropriate and effective WASH strategy.
• Setting clear objectives and indicators in consultation with staff, field managers and with local communities.
• Overseeing the technical design, execution and evaluation of progress through outputs and impacts using both quantitative and qualitative data.
• Provide inputs to NGOs, Government staff, elected local body representatives, panchayati Raj institutions, village level committees, mother committees, school education committees, SHG women and communities and improve community Participation and accountability in the project.
• Timely reporting of activities to unicef and develop new proposals.
• Facilitate regular staff meetings and develop transparent and communication structures to partner NGOs and ensuring good cooperation and partnerships.
• Ensure WASH projects are implemented with donor proposals in accordance with Unicef standards.
• Identify and Impart need based capacity building to partner NGOs and government staff.
July1997 To
June 2002
CASHE Project
Specialist in
• Established Capacity Building Institutions-CBI, with one of the Partners NGO.
• Promoted NBFCs and Producer cooperatives with Partner NGOs in the project area.
• Designed and developed microfinance training module for senior level, middle level and grassroots level functionaries;
• Promoted trainers pool comprising of experienced village level group facilitators;
• Under Policy Advocacy actively participated in the endorsement of AP Mutual Aided Cooperative Act, and its enactment;
• Tracking Performance of NGOs/MFIs through credit-rating methodology;
• Preparing Business Plan for the highly rated NGOs with whom CARE formally agreed to partner with;
• Project Management-Prepared annual plans and annual budgets in MS Excel; Monitored and reported the progress and budget utilization on monthly basis;
• Actively involved in promotion of livelihoods of the most vulnerable families in both tribal belt & plain land communities in the state of Andhra Pradesh.
• Planning and execution of agribusiness based program activities
• Developed procedures for Credit and Savings operation;
• Measuring performance of Loan portfolio growth and quality;
• Provided technical assistance and built capacity of the staff on monitoring, efficient data collection and analysis.
July 1992 To June 1996 India Nagarjuna University Assistant Professor Assignments include teaching, research and institutional administration.
Preparing course modules and teaching course papers to students of Graduate courses.
Special Project Assignments Taken up:
Period Location Organization Position Description/ Specific Achievements
1997 to 1999
Entrepreneurship education & Enterprise expert
Supplementing Mothers Income & Alternative Livelihoods for Bonded Child Labour Families, ILO supported Projects.
• Plan, Design and Implement ILO supported projects through NGOs
• Identify NGOs and enhance Partner NGOs capacities in the child rights and child education issues.
• Develop sustainable livelihoods proposals for child labour families and train the mothers and promote the micro, small and household enterprises and monitor the livelihoods enhancement plans in the project area.
• Conduct entrepreneurship education trainings for target families and NGOs.
• Empower communities and local body representatives on project concepts and components.
• Conduct entrepreneurship trainings for national and international participants.
• Prepare project reports, documents and annual reports and submit to the ILO National office.
• Prepare training manuals, posters and communication material.
• Prepared bankable projects and released bank loans for establishment of micro and small enterprises in the project area.
• Developed monitoring and evaluation strategies , tools and systems in the project area.
July 2012 To
Sept 2014 India Manaveeya Holdings and Investment Ltd.
The Netherlads /India programs. Lead-Trainings Specialist • Study taken up on Livelihoods finance models in India country programs
• Prepare and support organization policy development and prepare innovative technical project proposals on behalf of partner organizations, MFIs/NBFCs/NGOs
• Prepare climate change and CDM technology adaptation model projects.
• Identify and deliberate clientele business models, book-debts, record keeping, best practices in micro finance lending models, innovative livelihoods micro finance products, insurance policies, rate of interest from end beneficiary.
• Identify and advise on innovative technology usage and end results
• Advise on geographical related livelihoods, rural and urban enterprise building and entrepreneurship education among women groups.
• Prepare modules and enhance literacy levels among the women in the project areas and their children
• Identify and impart capacity building programs to partner organizations in the areas of micro finance products and sustainable livelihoods in the project areas
• Promote producer groups, producer cooperatives among the partner organizations
• Identify and develop market linkages and best returns on produces
• Develop value chain analysis and create branding on the products.
• Involve corporat agencies and tie up CSR models in the sustainable livelihoods and enterprise building programs.
Aug 1995-July 1996 India Ministry of PR & RD, Govt.India Research Analyst
• Conducted research study on strengthening of Gram Panchayats
• Identified administrative gaps and training needs
• Rate of villages participation in the decision making issues
• Prepared specific capacity development strategies
• Prepared capacity assessment framework among three dimensions (individual, institutional and policy),
• Prepared document on overall village development plans.
Highlights of research, evaluation and assessment studies/Consulting Experience:
Sl.No Fields of Research/Evaluation and Assessment studies. Year organization
1 Livelihoods sustenance through RRR scheme: Socio-economic conditions of weavers 2015 APSHTD
2 Impact study on Centre & state government schemes for artisan cooperatives. 2014 APSHTD
3 Economic empowerment through handloom cluster development in Andhra Pradesh: 2014 APSHTD
4 Urban Livelihood Mapping and opportunity Assessment. 2013 NULM/MEPMA
5 Impact of livelihoods intervention in urban slums in India: 2013 NRLM/SERP/IKP
6 Sustaining Livelihoods among Tribal communities through NTFP & enterprise Dept. 2012 World Bank/ITDAs
7 Empowering rural women through coir processing industries. 2012 World Bank/IKP
8 Impact on Livelihoods Finance among rural and urban blocks through partner NGOs 2011 OIKO Credit
9 Sustainable Livelihoods Approaches in Urban Areas: Indian case studies 2011 NULM/MEPMA
10 Value Chain development and Market based study on coir products. 2010 Coir Board of India
11 Sustaining Livelihoods among Fishermen communities through solar fish drying units. 2010 GOVT.India
12 Coast based livelihoods and income generation among rural communities. 2009 GTZ/NABARD
13 Sustaining livelihoods among Primitive tribal Groups-PVTGs through Rubber cultivation. 2008 Rubber board of India.
14 Empowering rural and urban SHGs through livelihood finance and inclusive finance 2007 Coady International
15 Strengthening civil society organizations through cooperatives. 2007 NDDB/FES
16 Sustainable Livelihoods interventions through irrigation tanks renovation 2006 JBIC
17 Research Study on WASH and Child environment programs 2005 UNICEF
18 RWSS policy analysis, mid-term investment plan through financial modelling and working out pricing strategy for rural water supply 2005 World Bank
19 Rural Enterprise Promotion Program (REPP) of SIDBI (Small industries Development Bank of India) 2001 SIDBI
20 Rural livelihoods project: Livelihood support to people below poverty line and the role of public-private partnership. 2000 World Bank/EDA
21 Supplementing mother’s income and alternative debts for bonded child labour families. 1999 ILO-India programs
22 Livelihood education for tribal girl child in Andhra Pradesh tribal belt 1998 HIVOS
23 Impact of infrastructural facilities in schools on early child education in India 1998 KNH-Germany
24 Improving traditional occupations for weavers in coastal Andhra Pradesh 1997 OXFAM-India Trust
25 Rehabilitation and Resettlement project of displaced communities in the water projects 1996 World Bank
Full Name E-Mail & Contact Number Full Address Occupation
Project Lead Mobile: +91 9599597703 IORA Ecological Solutions, 225/1648, Lado Sarai,
New Delhi-110030 Development Professional
State Anchor Person Mobile:+ 91 9866727775
Chhattisgarh State Rural Livelihoods Mission (Bihan)
Hall No.-04, Block - D, 1st Floor, Indrawati Bhawan, New Raipur, Chhattisgarh 492002 Development Professional
Mr. K.Madan Kumar CSR-LEAD Mobile: + 91 8008346688
& 9949495669 NATCO House, Road No.2
Banjara Hills, Hyderabad-500034 Development Professional